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Virtual via Teams

Quilt - Clinically meaningful Interoperability for Healthcare Data on the Palouse

We are a group of likeminded individuals at healthcare entities in Eastern Washington and North-Central Idaho working together to bring healthcare data exchange to our region to improve continuity of care.

Request to Join
Colfax, Pullman, Moscow, Lewiston, Clarkston


Individuals working to improve the state of healthcare data interoperability as members of the taskforce.

Pullman, WA
Pullman, WA
Moscow, ID
Colfax, WA
Lewiston, ID
Lewiston, ID
Clarkston, WA
Pullman, WA

Keith Gautreaux

SEL Health Clinic Medical Director

Kirstin Gehring

SEL Health Clinic Office Manager

Meeting Agendas

The taskforce strives for transparency in our meetings and actions. A summary of our meeting agendas by date of meeting.

Focus on FHIR API

Eighth meeting focused on engaging other stakeholders.

Seventh meeting focused on public messaging and FHIR support.

Sixth meeting again focused on vendor costs

Fifth meeting focused on vendor costs

Fourth meeting focused on vendor costs

Third meeting focused on state HIE interoperability with National HIE's

Second meeting focused on barriers to interoperability identified for each Actor

Our first meeting will be focused on Carequality and Commonwell.

  1. Brief Introductions

    Which Actor you represent and what is the status of your Actor's interoperability capability?

    - PST

  2. National HIE's

    Level of Commonwell and Carequaltiy support within each actor.

    - PST

  3. Information blocking exceptions

    Review the information blocking exceptions and discuss why these should be special cased with default open

    - PST

  4. Enumerate barriers for full interoperability for each Actor

    Discussion of barriers

    - PST

Current institutions represented by our taskforce members.

Schweitzer Engineering Laboratories Health Clinic
Pullman Regional Hospital
St. Joseph's Regional Medical Center
Catalyst Medical Group
Palouse Medical
Tri-State Memorial Hospital and Medical Campus

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